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Where We Stand


The art of living life requires an ability to learn from our past, live fully in the present and be cognizant of what our future might look like – maintaining the right mix of those ingredients can at times be challenging. In a year such as 2020, we may tend to focus a little heavier on a future that we hope will be less disruptive than our current year. With that said, we are less than four months from completing the 2020 year – a time frame that is sure to deliver interesting developments on the political, economic and health fronts.

As we contemplate the back stretch of 2020, we want to share where we stand on the allocation of your investments. Let us first share a few thoughts on the Covid 19 Virus and our outlook for the economy. We believe people are getting better conditioned to practice habits that will help prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus and other communicative diseases. We anticipate positive news on the Covid 19 front – meaning, we think we will have encouraging news from various vaccine trials and in treatment of the virus itself.

We believe that regardless of who is elected as President of our country in November, that the economy will continue to show improvement. We temper our economic outlook with the belief that there will continue to be a haze of uncertainty regarding the future that will take time to dissipate. As a result, we expect that unemployment numbers will be stubborn to come down quickly from the 8.4% reported today and that the Federal Reserve Board will continue to be slow to raise interest rates.

From an investment standpoint we remain fully invested with the monies allocated to stock or equity investments. In late March, we added to our exposure of large growth companies and the financial sector while reducing or eliminating investments in the international area, publicly traded real estate and gold.

We have positioned our stock portfolios to capture the rewards of an expanding economic recovery and have established investment positions that are weighted to our economic outlook. Like life, creating investment portfolios requires a balance of lessons from the past, an appreciation of the present and an eye to the future. We like where we stand with our investments and are confident of the future rewards to come from those positions.

We hope you and your loved ones are well and that you enjoy the beautiful days of Autumn. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you!

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